Make your dull & dry HAIR SHINY & GORGEOUS by these simple solutions!.


Make your dull & dry HAIR SHINY and GORGEOUS by these simple solutions!

Often we are worried about our hair because it is probably the most important part of our personality. We keep on changing hair products, such as shampoos, conditioners, hair colors and so on but at the end of the day we fail to get the desired result.
 Due to negligence or lack of  knowledge, instead of having great hair we get trapped in many different scalp and hair problems.One of the most common hair problem is dry & frizzy hair. Due to the loss of moisture hair becomes dry and  brittle, it looses its shine and is difficult to manage. 

lets know the factors responsible for dry hairs!

There are various factors which take on to dry & dull  hairs like:-
  • The whether or the environmental condition. 
  • The physical health condition of the person.
  • The excessive use of styling products.
  • Excessive washing of the hair.
  • Dehydration.
  • lack of nutrition.

However  according to experts to have a healthy scalp & hair we have to bring some simple changes in our lifestyle such as:-

Eat good nutritional diet.

  • Foods rich in protein, vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acid maintain healthy scalp  and hair example fish, meat, nuts.
  • Carrot are good source of vitamin A. It helps in the formation of sebum ,which is a natural oil produced in the scalp. Sebum is responsible for the shine and luster of hair.
  • Eggs are filled with "biotin" and  vitamin B. They maintain the health of scalp and luster of hair.
  • Lentils are very good for overall health. They are rich in protein, iron and folic acid which promotes healthy hair growth.

Including the above foods in out diet we can surely have glowing skin and hair.

Keep the body hydrated.

  • Drink coconut water daily. It is immensely hydrating in nature. This sweet & energizing drink prevent hair from drying and breaking.  It is full of antioxidant which prevents damage, repair hair and keeps hair in good condition.
  • According to "Institute of medicine" one should drink 2-3 liters of water for healthy skin & hair. Water are the carrier of the essential nutrients which promote hair health.Water keeps the body hydrated and hair shiny.


  • Cover your head while going out in sun this will protect your scalp from sunburn and sun damage.
  • Select your hair styling tools and hair care products wisely, that would not damage and over- dry your hair.
  • Shampoo your hair less frequently, mostly once or twice a week.

Yoga poses for health hair.

Yoga is a very effective way to keep your hair strong and healthy.The different yoga poses stimulates the blood circulation and oxygen flow to the  head which rejuvenates the hair follicles and hence provide strength to the hair.All downward bending poses stimulates the blood flow in the head region.Some of the beneficial yoga poses for improving the scalp and hair follicle are:-

Adho Mukta Svasana (Downward Dog Position)

Vajarasana ( Diamond pose)

Sirsasasna ( Standing head pose)

Ustrasana ( Camel pose)

Pawanmuktasana ( Wind relieving pose)

Uttanasana ( Standing forward bend)

Beside above solutions you can also perform some home remedies to bring shine to your hair.

Hair oils

  • Coconut oil is a very good moisturizer it adds luster and shine to the hair .
  • Curry leaves are rich in beta carotene, protein, amino acids and antioxidants which promotes hair growth and checks hair loss. It also strengthen the hair.
  • Curry leave oil brings back the  beauty of the hair
Preparation and use
  • Take some coconut oil ( 1 cup) in a pan, heat it at a very low flame put some curry ( 10 -20 leaves) in it.
  •  Keep heating for 5 more minutes, now switch off the flame and cover the pan . After 8-10 hours or overnight strain the oil and keep in a jar. 
  • This oil is very beneficial for hair growth & shine. Give your scalp and hair a good massage by this oil twice a week.
  •  You will see  the difference within 2-3 weeks.

  • Caster oil is rich in ricinoleic acid which stimulates the blood circulation in the  scalp and rejuvenates it.
  • It is a natural conditioner and  protects the hair from damage and fall.
  • Caster oil thickens the hair and  makes the hair darker in color.

Preparation and use
  • It's consistency is thick and has a distinctive smell which you might not like.So you can mix it with some other beneficial oils such as almond, olive, sesame &  coconut oil .
  • You can make a concoction by mixing all the oils 2 spoon each and 1 spoon of caster oil. 
  • Store it in a bottle, now it is ready to use.
  • Gently massage your scalp with this oil in circular motion. Leave it for 2-3 hours or overnight .
  • Wash it off with a shampoo.
  • Use it regularly for 4 weeks to get the desirable result.

Hair mask                

  • Onion hair mask is a boon for people undergoing excessive loss of hair. 
  • It is a rich source of sulphur which promotes growth and thickens the hair.
  • It has antibacterial properties which checks the infection of the scalp and keeps it dandruff free and healthy.

  • Peel 2-3 the onions depending on the length of your hair .
  • Chop it roughly and blend it in a blender. 
  • Transfer this in a bowl. 
  • Squeeze  the onion juice with a strainer. 
  • Now this is the required juice.

How to use it

  • Apply this juice all over your scalp& hair.
  • Gently massage the scalp in circular motion.
  • leave it for an hour
  • Wash it off with a shampoo.
  • Do it once a week for 2 to 3 months and you will surely witness long and shiny hair.


  • "Banana" the most loved fruit ! is not only good for the health but is also  excellent for skin and hair. 
  • Banana is rich in nutrients and vitamins which keeps the hair soft and silky.
  • It retains the natural elasticity of hair by preventing split ends and breakage . 
  • Banana can be used  as hair  mask . Here is an excellent banana hair mask  to make your hair smooth and shiny.

Banana and honey hair mask

  • Mash 2 ripe bananas with a folk and add 2 spoons of honey to it. 
  • Whip it into a nice smooth paste like consistency. 
  • Now it is ready to apply on your hair.
How to use it 
  •  Damp your hair slightly and then apply this mask from root to tip.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it for half an hour. 
  • Wash it off with a suitable shampoo


  1. Banana and honey pack is what I am definitely going to try..thank you for these hair-raising tips.

  2. In this modern era almost everyone is facing hair problems. Thanks for the wonderful tips.

  3. Superb ..Use of castor oil with other oil is already tested and proven.coconut oil with curry leaves ,plz clear ..first curry leaves should dry and powderd or directly used ?. The best herbal guidelines for hair problem Thanx

  4. Excellent Herbal Tips for Nourishment of Dry Hair.Thancs

  5. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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