3 super foods to make you stay young and beautiful.

  • 3 Super foods to make you stay YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL!


Who doesn't wants to stay young and beautiful? We all do  don't we? Today every one wants to be updated with food and health researches and its benefits. So here I'm, to talk about the 3 important super foods which you must have for healthy skin, hair, strong muscles and high bone density.

As we age our body muscles tends to shrink and our body fat tends to increase . This leads to many diseases and we start taking medicine for different health issues such as blood pressure,diabetes, heart diseases, PCOD, thyroid e.t.c. In order to avoid these diseases and stay fit and healthy we have to gain our muscles and loose our fat. This can be achieve by eating foods which helps to do so and also by changing a little bit in our lifestyle.

So lets do this! 

The three super foods are :-

  • Banana:-Banana are very nutritious and almost everyone's favorite fruit. It's high nutritional value makes it good for digestion, heart health, insulin sensitivity and weight loss. 
  • It provides "fructose" which is low in glycaemic index and maintains the body sugar.
  •  It is a good source of prebiotics which are undigested food fibers which acts as food for the probiotics ( the good bacteria present in the guts) and hence enables them to function effectively.This aids to digestion and makes the stomach flat.
  • Banana are a rich source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese and potassium which increases metabolism of the body, protect the body from cell damage, protect the skin  from free radical damage and help to keep the heart healthy respectively.
  •  So eat a banana everyday to be healthy from inside and slim and beautiful from outside.

  • Rice:- The moment we say rice we think of the grain which is just a carbohydrate and responsible to make our body fat and unhealthy.If you are also thinking the same, then let me tell you that, this is not true. 
  • According to Rujuta diwekar ( India's leading nutritionist and exercise science expert) rice is not just carbohydrates, but it also has protein like, essential amino acids and other important nutrients which makes it a special grain.
  • when you eat rice you get a complete variety of nutrients.
  • Rice is a prebiotic and when you eat it at night with yogurt or pickle which are probiotic, then you are combining a prebiotic with a probiotic which is light on stomach, leads to good sleep and helps in the assimilation of vitamin D.
  • Rice can be eaten with a variety of  pulses & vegetables.It is also popular as khichdi, pulav, biryani and kheer.
  • Ghee:- Ghee is very good for digestion, heart health, brain health, skin and diabetes.
  •  It has a fatty acid composition known as short chain fatty acid which helps to assimilate all the fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, E, D & K.
  • It is low on glycaemic index therefore it lowers the G.I level of all the meals to which it is added. 
  •  Homocysteine is a common amino acid in the blood which increases on eating meat ,it's high level in blood  leads to high blood pressure & heart diseases. Ghee reduces the homocysteine level and saves the body from these diseases.
  • It also reduces the bad cholesterol & increases good cholesterol.
  • Desi cows ghee amazes with its anti aging properties and leaves the skin soft supple & young.

The bottom line:

  • So these are the super foods to keep you young and beautiful but besides these, you must change your lifestyle for better results.
  • Exercise is equally important as foods
  •  The absorption of nutrients in the body is catalyzed by exercising.So it is very important to be active and exercise daily. 
  • Regular activities and exercises improves the quality of your life and makes you happy.


  1. Informative.....otherwise there is huge misconception about these foods.

    1. Yeah! Thanks for recognising. May I've the pleasure of knowing your name?

  2. This one is for all those fitness freaks who have blacklisted these food items from their diet.

  3. Absolutely new Guidelines.Thancs

    1. Thanks for the appreciation! May I know your name?


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