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Now this is the question to which every mother, who has a baby of 6 month  to 6 years of age  wants an answer. Till the baby is on breast feeding everything seems to be okay, but as soon as the time comes to feed the solids to the baby most of the problem arises.
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Here I'm dealing with what parents should be doing & also not be doing while taking there child to the food journey.

Image result for baby foodsImage result for baby foods
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  • Being a parent the first thing that we need to understand is that every child is different physically, mentally & emotionally so let's not compare our child with some other one.
  • It is said that a child should start eating solids after 6 months, but it is not a hard & fast rule. Some children may start at this time and some may not, depending upon there nature. So if your baby eats solids without making much trouble after 6 month of age then its good, otherwise wait for the right time & never force them to eat.Forcing makes the baby cranky & stubborn.
  • The first food that you introduce to your baby must be well cooked & easy to digest such as mashed rice mixed with grinded veggies like sweet potato & carrots, mashed rice & dal, banana puree, mashed apple,mangoes e.t.c.
  • You can make one meal and one snack a day, in the beginning. You can increase this as the child adapts to these kind of food .
  • when the child reaches 8 or 9 month of age you can give them  whatever you eat but be alert and don't force them.
  • Always use a stainless steel or glass utensils.Avoid using plastic bowls & spoons.
  • Don't use a high chair to make them sit while eating because it affects the lower body movements and the child does not learn to sit down properly.His hip opening of the pelvic does not takes place properly and in future he struggles while sitting down .Further the child might have running problems & may suffer from lower back pain & knee pain.
  •  The best way is to sit down & feed the baby with your hands. If the baby tries to eat by his hands then its very good encourage it.
  • There should be no distractions such as T.V, mobile phones & things like that during feeding.
  • The child's appetite is just like our's sometime we feel like eating more & sometimes less so don't worry if he does like that it's normal.
  • Just don't target on finishing what is there in the bowl but focus on the child's behaviour.
  • Try & serve him different recipes of foods for his age group.
  • Always  serve them  which is fresh & made at home & avoid  the packed & tinned food of the market. This will increase the child's overall health & immunity.
  • Milk is a very essential part of a child's diet so develop  a habit of drinking milk, in them . But again don't force it .
  • A child should play for at least one and a half hours daily.This will help in digestion and absorption of  the food nutrition by the body. Ultimately the child will have a healthy growth of mind & body.                                                                                                  

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  • Parenthood is a difficult task & it therefore requires patience,persistence & devotion.So be patient & study your child's behavior and act accordingly.Give them fresh & home made things to eat. 
  • Don't be obsessed with the quantity of food they eat because this is not the scale to judge their health. If the child is happy & active it means he is healthy.


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