Covid 19 or Corona virus is the unseen virus which is affecting the life of every individual living, be it any part of the world. The data of infected and deaths is scary. People with low immunity level are at a higher risk of being infected, so let us make ourselves resistant to this dangerous disease, by increasing our immunity.

Nature has blessed us with infinite number of sources and resources to live a healthy life.There are endless lists of fruits veggies and herbs to benefit us.

Here I am sharing some drinks to boost your immunity.

Basil leaf tea:- Basil leaves are loaded with antioxidants which detoxify the body, keeps the body calm and stimulates the immune  system of the body.It protects the body from infection and boosts resistance .Taken in the form of tea basil relieves fever and cures respiratory disorders.


  • Take 2 cups of water in a pan.
  • Bring it to boil.
  • Crush 8-10 basil leaves with your hand and add to the boiling water
  • Add one tea spoon of crushed ginger  to it.
  • Boil the mixture till the water reduces to half.
  • Strain it .
  • Add one tea spoon of honey and few drops of lemon juice to it.
  • Now enjoy this tasty drink.
Curry leaf tea:-     
  • These are leaves filled with vitamin A, B, C, E & Folic acid ,
  • It is a great immunity booster.
  • It is a good source of calcium and helps the body to absorb iron.
  • It helps in treating dysentery constipation and diarrhea.
  • It is antibacterial, anti inflammatory and anti-cancer.

  • Take one and a half cup of water in a pan.
  • Put hand full of fresh curry leaves, if you don't have fresh ones you can also use dried leaves.
  • Boil it for 5-10 minutes.
  • Now close the lid and let it rest for few minutes.
  • Your tea is ready.No need to strain it, as it is very beneficial to chew and eat these leaves.
  • Enjoy your tea.
The magical turmeric and ginger tea:-

  • Studies have proved that turmeric has great anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.
  • It has a chemical component curcumin which is good for brain health & reduces depression, It also helps in naturally relieving pain and inflammation.
  • Ginger has been used for thousands years because of its medicinal properties, it helps to manage blood sugar levels, it increases metabolism of the body, helps in digestion and boosts nutrient absorption in the body. This makes you feel energetic the whole day.
Lets make the miraculous tea:-

  • Heat 2 cups of water in a pan.
  • Add one inch of fresh crushed ginger.
  • Put one fourth tea spoon of finely chopped raw turmeric or you can also use turmeric powder in case you don't have the raw one.
  • Add 5-10 crushed black pepper.
  • Boil it for 5 minutes.
  • Strain it and mix few drops of lemon and one tea spoon of honey to it.
  • Your tea is ready enjoy it.

Mixed herb and spices tea:- From many years herbs & spices like bay leaf,black seeds, cumin, black pepper, fennel seeds, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and many more are being used for health and wellness. So here we will use some of them to make a strong tea to fight corona.

Lets start:-

  • Take two cups of water in a pan.
  • Add a tea spoon of black seeds, a tea spoon of cumin, a tea spoon of fennel seeds and bring it to boil.
  • Now add 2 bay leaves, 2 cloves, 2 green cardamom and an inch of cinnamon stick .
  • Keep it boiling for few minutes.
  • After few minutes strain it and add lemon and honey to it.
  • Now its ready to sip.

                             Benefits of lemon and honey!!

  • You must have noticed that lemon and honey have been used in almost every immunity booster drink. They not just enhance the flavor,but they too are great immunity boosters.
  • Lemon is a good source of vitamin C, which protects us from cold and fever, increases the metabolic rate of the body and many more.
  • Studies have proved that honey has antioxidant and antibacterial properties which makes it a great immunity booster.
  • In Ayurveda, honey is considered to be the best cure for cough.
  • Its regular use will make you energetic and never make you feel lethargic.

Conclusion:-We should always love and conserve our flora and fauna, because they are the ultimate savior. Hope you will use the above mentioned immunity boosters and fight corona. Stay strong and stay safe.


  1. That kind of information is very helpful and valuable for each and everyone۔

  2. I've tried these...and it really purifies you from within...must try! Thankyou

  3. They are really helpful 😊

  4. That was really informative. Thank you!

  5. It was really helpful to me ...thnkuu so mch♥️

  6. Really amazing and healthy πŸ‘Œ Appreciate your work πŸ’œ

  7. This is so helpful πŸ˜‡.
    Thanks for sharing this valuable information. 😊

  8. Thanks very helpful
    Must give it a try

  9. This was surely needed at this time! Thankyou

  10. Really helpful and amazing recipes to boost our immunityπŸ‘ŒπŸ». Thank you so much for sharing this❤️.
    We the youth really need such informations to live an energetic life!πŸ€—πŸ˜‡

  11. It's really very amazing recepies to fight with diseases like corona virus. It's really very thankful to me . Thank you so much for sharing such an brilliant idea...πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

  12. Wwoww wow wow.... Alhumdulillah.. this was seriously very much needed at this point of time..
    Thanks alottt to the blogger πŸ’›πŸ’›

  13. Informative and need of the hour.....thank you.

  14. Great information.. awesome boosters..Best thing about these are that they can be made from basic ingredients which are easily available at home.πŸ‘πŸ˜


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